Every ten to fifteen years or so, you may start to find that the water heater in your home just isn’t working as well as it used to. Any issues you are having with your water heater after a decade or so aren’t likely to be resolved any time soon, and it will probably be a lot more cost effective to get yourself a replacement. If your water heater is over a decade old, it may be a good idea to plan ahead now and have it replaced.
Hot water tanks are more common among homeowners throughout the Vancouver area. They are fairly easy to maintain and are less expensive to purchase compared to tankless water heaters. Despite that fact, they aren’t the best choice for the long term when it comes to energy costs and their ability to provide hot water when you need it. A tankless water heater, or an ‘on demand’ heater, means you won’t have to ever use energy keeping a the water in the tank hot. Also, a tankless system allows for a continuous flow of hot water so you never run out of hot water. You can also save a great deal of space by switching to a tankless heater. There are also 3 options for instant water heaters. 1. Water Heaters 2. Combi-Boilers 3. Boilers.
In terms of operating costs and overall function, a tankless heater does rank higher than a traditional hot water tank. Before you make your final decision on what type of replacement heater you want to install, you should be aware of some of the drawbacks concerning both types of heater. A hot water tank requires somewhat regular maintenance to keep it running smoothly, especially if you ever plan to be away from your home for an extended period. For instance, it is recommended that you periodically drain some water from your hot water tank to keep sediment from building up inside. With a tankless heater, you never have to worry about the tank leaking and flooding your home. You do have to worry about high installation costs, however, especially if you are making the switch from a hot water tank. Sometimes the conversion requires additional piping and modifications to your plumbing like a circ pump (circulation line with pump allows the hot water to flow throughout the home’s piping so you have instant hot water), which can add to the already considerable cost of the tankless heater itself.
Like most decisions, there are pros and cons that come with either choice. What you need to do is take all the relevant information into account and make the decision that is right for your lifestyle and budget.